What is a spoonplug?

Posted by bucksspoonplugs.com on 4/4/2017 to Spoonplugs

Fishing tackle has one purpose. To find fish and to catch them. The correct tackle enables us to catch more and bigger fish, whether it's a largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, walleye, muskie, pike, striper, white bass, salmon, or other favorite.

Spoonplugs are lures (tools) specifically designed to find productive structure, locate fish, and make them strike. The Spoonplug is unique in many ways.

First, Spoonplugs run at a precise depth regardless of the speed of the troll or retrieve. By selecting the size Spoonplug used, an angler can fully control the depth of his presentation, keeping his lure in the fish zone.

Second, the wobbling action is designed to trigger strikes, especially when bumped or "walked" along the bottom. This presentation can turn a dormant fish into a striking fish.

The best Spoonplug feature, however, is that once a fisherman learns how to troll, Spoonplugs become our best fishing companion because trolling is our "teacher" when on the water. It will map or find the bottom features that hold the fish. It will tell the fisherman the place to do productive casting. With each fishing outing, the fisherman gets better, learns more and turns new knowledge into consistent fish catches. These are just a few of the many reasons a special lure ("tool") had to be designed. When the lure did its job well, this is the way it looked. Buck called it a "Spoonplug".

Here's the benefits Spoonplugs provide:

  • They produce strikes casting or trolling.
  • They maintains a specific depth regardless of speed of retrieve or troll.
  • On the cast, they sink to depth, hold depth on retrieve.
  • They walk on bottom, creating sound and commotion that triggers fish strikes.
  • They have built-in action.
  • They come in colors for any fishing situation, any species of fish.
  • They come in a series of sizes to allow fishermen to strain the water depths.
  • They surface if fouled, eliminating worry about whether they're working or not.
  • They map bottom structure, breaks, and breaklines letting you locate the bottom features holding the fish.